


client application











I offer a few core packages along with various add-ons and customizable options to help create a cohesive and comprehensive branding approach to your business. 

If you’re looking for services not listed below, please contact me.


Creative Direction + Moodboard

Full Logo Suite + Brand Marks

Custom Color Palette

Typography Suite (Fonts!)

20+ Page Brand & Strategy Guide

//Visual Identity

Timeline: 1-2 Weeks 
Investment: $2,000 +

//Brand Strategy

In Depth Branding Questionnaire

Research/Analysis of Target Audience

Development of USP (Unique Selling Point)

List of 20 SEO Keywords for Website/Social Media Use

20+ Brand Guidelines + Brand Reference Sheet**

**Included in this package you’ll receive a 20+ Page Brand Guidelines that will walk you through your unique Brand Strategy + how to use your visual identity properly. Along with a Brand Reference Sheet for quick reference.

//Visual Identity


Discovery Call - this is a quick 30-minute call where we can get to know one another and see if we're a good fit. 

Branding Questionnaire - I will send this to you after the proposal has been signed. This is used to really hone in on your business personality + goals.

Initial Brand Direction - I will send over a brand board to get a general feel for your style, color preferences, and overall vision. Once the design direction is approved, we will begin the design work.

Brand Presentation - You will receive a brand presentation where you will give feedback and approval for the brand identity. 

Asset Delivery - You will receive a full brand guide, with an in-depth walkthrough of how to use your brand materials. You will receive all necessary files of your branded assets and any purchased materials. 

You struggle to articulate your brand voice or message //
You know what you do, but explaining it to others feels awkward and confusing

Your visual identity (logo, colors, fonts) are inconsistent or outdated //
It doesn't reflect your brand's values or resonate with your target audience 

You have a hard time differentiating yourself from competitors //
You blend in and struggle to stand out in a crowded market

You're unsure of your ideal customer or target audience //
You're casting a wide net and haven't honed in on your ideal clients

Do one or more of these apply to you?


Built on platform of choice

Website Wireframe

3-4 Page Website Design

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Desktop + Mobile Optimization

Timeline: 2-4 Weeks 
Investment: $4,000 +

Everything included in the Full Brand Experience along with:

Domain + URL Transfer Assistance

Guided Launch Support

Website Training

2 Weeks of Support After Launch

Professional Photoshoot + Creative Direction

Discovery Call - this is a quick 30-minute call where we can get to know one another and see if we're a good fit. 

Framework Questionnaire - I will send this to you after the proposal has been signed. This is used to understand your specific business needs, goals and begin building a website framework.

Build w/SEO - This is when the magic happens. We'll do a full design build with SEO (search engine optimization) implementation.

Feedback/Revisions - You will receive a link to your brand new website! You'll have the time to review and make any changes, before our scheduled launch date. 

Website Launch - We will get you all setup for launch and be with you every step of the way. This includes connecting your domain, doing final tests, and launching your new website. We'll also be around for a week after if you have any questions or need any tech support.  

You struggle to articulate your brand voice or message //
You know what you do, but explaining it to others feels awkward and confusing

Your visual identity (logo, colors, fonts) are inconsistent or outdated //
It doesn't reflect your brand's values or resonate with your target audience 

You have a hard time differentiating yourself from competitors //
You blend in and struggle to stand out in a crowded market

You're unsure of your ideal customer or target audience //
You're casting a wide net and haven't honed in on your ideal clients

Do one or more of these apply to you?

Monthly marketing

Email Campaign Design + Management

Blog Design + Management

Ongoing Graphic Design (business cards, flyers...etc)

Website Updates + Maintenance

Product Launches + Campaigns

Timeline: TBD
Investment: $500+

Social Media


Professional Photoshoots + Direction

Enjoy peace of mind with flexible monthly marketing support packages. Get ongoing design updates, fresh copywriting magic, email campaign management and expert guidance to adapt your brand as your business grows. Limited spots available.